06 December 2011

Hypnosis and Weight Loss (II)

Here is the demonstration on how hypnosis for weight loss runs:

<a href="http://www.linkedtube.com/i5EneIfvpKYb791c2eab91d52aff73a7114ac95a266.htm">LinkedTube</a>

04 December 2011

Hypnosis and Weight Loss (I)

From time to time, I heard many friends joining programs to lose weight.  These programs are quite expensive and so these companies use various incentives to lure you to join.

But often many current weight loss programs do not give you permanent result. It is easy for the extra weight to bounce back once we stop doing it.

Most weight loss strategies involve dieting, in which your will is directed toward staying away from foods, but not about eliminating unhealthy urges. In addition, some weight loss pills affect our metabolic rate and hence have an adverse effect on our health. Some could even lead to psychiatric disorders. In any case, you will put back on all the weight you have lost once you stop taking them.

In fact, the causes of overweight and obesity are not merely due to overeating. It might be due to metabolic disorders, high toxins in the body, chronic high stress level or a limiting belief that we have built up since childhood, for example, the belief that we could not lose weight no matter how hard we try.

Thus the key to weight loss is not what you put in your mouth. It is what goes on in your body, mind and lifestyle.

In regard to our mind and body (such as malfunction of metabolic system), we can use hypnotherapy for weight loss.

Hypnotherapy produces immediate weight loss effect with ease. It works by using precise, success-oriented therapy designed to target our subconscious mind. Under the hypnotic trance state, suggestions go directly to the subconscious mind, As the mind is in charge of metabolism and belief system, when we change our mind, it will change our metabolism and beliefs. And so it  addresses the root problems of overeating and so the limiting belief and unhealthy urges can be eliminated.

This is how hypnotherapy can help.

02 December 2011

Self Coaching

I am a sort of person who lacks confidence and security. I always worry about anything. I am now in the middle age. I had been unemployed for a very long time. I worry about tomorrow and do not know when I can get a job. After reading this book - “The Power of Self-coaching” written by Joseph J. Luciani, to some extent, it changes my mind. I try to look at things differently. It encourages me to look ahead bravely.

In the book, there are some points which I keep reading from time to time and when I have spare time in order to keep me motivated. And so I want to share  these points below with those who are facing the same or similar situation as I am. I hope these are useful for them to keep moving at the time of adversity.

  •  Ineffective, frustrated life was nothing more than the result of cultivated habits of negativity.
  •  Your natural and spontaneous center, your capacity for genuine happiness.
  •  Flow effortlessly with life rather than try to control it.
  •  You must defeat whatever holds you back from the life you’re capable of having.
  •  You can find everything you need by looking within.
  •  The power to transform your life comes from you.
  •  It’s not fate that dictates success or failure, happiness or unhappiness, but what we do with our fate.
  •  A life of struggle consists of learned patterns of perception and reacting.
  •  Why do you go on struggling with life if you’re unhappy.
  •  Remove obstacles of self-doubt and insecurity that are blocking you.
  •  Who you are and where you life is going are all choices.
  •  We need to light the can-do fire.
  •  Break the habits of control and insecurity.
  •  The key to happiness is not what you are doing. It’s what you’re getting out of what you’re doing.
  •  Once you risk trusting, it’s a matter of letting go.
  •  Only those goals motivated by inside-out awareness, based on self-trust and spontaneity, will lead to lasting happiness.
  •  You don’t find happiness, you release it.
  •  Insecurity results from childhood psychological wounds.
  •  Insecurity is the false belief you can’t handle life or some aspect of life.
  •  Your self-worth and confidence have been eroded by insecurity.
  •  Learn to live more spontaneously.
  •  Insecurity leaves you feeling ill equipped to handle what life throws at you.
  •  Do these thoughts serve me or hurt me?
  •  Living more courageously in the moment, instead of insist on figuring everything out. Simply let this day unfolded. To be more reactive rather than proactive.
  •  Just respond to whatever was happening in real time.
  •  Discredit worrisome, future oriented attempt to control life and just focus on the actual and factual chores of the day.
  •  Living reactivity in the moment and willing to believe there’s more to life than simply what’s roiling about in your mind.
  •  Let life come to me rather than dictates every move and every thought.
  •  Tomorrow will take care of itself. Being reactive is the only way to go.
  •  Desire for control, when driven by insecurity, is the reason why your life deteriorated.
  •  Living life spontaneously with a renewed sense of trust.
  •  Control overrun your life with worry, doubt and fear.
  •  Learn to live life in a more trusting, instinctual way.
  •  You will be pulled away from your true source of strength and vitality.
  •  Learn to pay less attention to fears and doubts, allow yourself to become more reactive and spontaneous.
  •  Try not to control by rehearsing or anticipating, simply allow to trust more spontaneous instinctual abilities.
  •  When you can’t trust yourself to handle life, you’re not going to risk living spontaneously.
  •  Reflexive thinking- tendency toward self-doubt, pessimism or fears, psychological habits that are driven by insecurity, may deplete you.
  •  What’s truly natural in life flows effortlessly from us.
  •  I am only allowed to be upset over facts.
  •  Is what I’m feeling fact or fiction?
  •  I don’t have to let fear dictate my choice.
  •  When I’m relaxed I know I do quite well.
  •  In life, there will always be challenges, obstacles and pain. This is normal.
  •  Separate fact from fiction and refuse to passively allow insecurity to drive you down.
  •  Force yourself to see life as it is, not as your insecurity paints it.
  •  Forms of psychological insulation driven by insecurity, to insulate yourself from harm and avoid life’s challenges – passivity, social avoidance, shyness and depression.
  •  Insulate from life to feel more in control.
  •  Learn to look for truth.
  •  Adopt a more open and expansive receptivity to life.
  •  Trying to control life has not produced the answer you hope for. Only produces more problems.
  •  You need to restructure your thoughts and perceptions to establish more adequate self-trust.
  •  Life doesn’t have to be controlled, nor do I have to be perfect, to feel safe. It’s not control that brings the feeling of security, it’s trust.
  •  I see my imperfections as challenges and opportunities to learn.
  •  It was never about being perfect, it was about not being able to believe in yourself.
  •  Try to be perfect is the surest way to be perfectly miserable.
  •  Live your life courageously with trust.
  •  Courageous attitude to be exactly who you are.
  •  Restructure your thoughts and perceptions, followed by learning to risk trusting your truth.
  •  Not having adequate self-trust or esteem, you just can’t bring yourself to tell the truth.
  •  Often felt inadequate and intimidated by his classmate.
  •  Childlike reflex designed to help you escape responsibility. Because of lack of confidence, you never learned to deal with people honestly and directly.
  •  Start living in the present.
  •  Risk being honest.
  •  A successful and happy life depends on one’s ability for self trust. To trust, you must learn to risk trusting. The biggest obstacle will be insecurity.
  •  Reject insecurity and replace it with a willingness to believe in yourself.
  •  How would my trust persona handle this?
  •  A life of control is always siphoned away from your natural ability to trust yourself.
  •  Trust your natural, spontaneous instincts and intuitions.
  •  A life of spontaneity and trust.
  •  Trying too hard to control life.
  •  Anxiety is just a habit.
  •  Psychological struggles are just habits.
  •  Replace fiction with fact. You don’t need to control life.
  •  It’s just your habit of insecurity that stands between you and the changed life you want.
  •  What am I trying to control?
  •  Once your life is handed over to control, there can be no choice, only fear and doubt.
  •  Trust to risk believing that come tomorrow, you’ll handle things. The moment you accept the belief, it is the moment the  anxiety goes away.
  •  Replace the negatives with objective assessment of the opportunities that exist.
  •  Look ahead with courage rather than fear and negative projections.
  •  The past cannot dictate your future unless you let it.
  •  Life is change and life is choice.
  •  Spontaneous living requires living with trust.
  •  Effortless, unrehearsed living.
  •  Just live life instead of trying to anticipate and prepare for it.
  •  Restore self-confidence and trust, a willingness to believe you can handle what life throws at you. Accept your life. Accept responsibility, the good and the bad and to deal with it directly.
  •  The need to risk trusting. Courage is the strength of will to believe we can withstand and handle danger, fear and difficulty.
  •  Courage is a choice.
  •  There is a normal healthy, happy and spontaneous you that depends on living life to its fullest. You must demand this. Change whatever needs to be changed to achieve the life you were meant to live.
  •  Control distorts as well as limit your perception of life.
  •  The key to create the life you want is your willingness to accept responsibility for it. Responsibility for your thoughts, for what you tell yourself and what you listen to.
  •  Flow effortlessly with life rather than desperately to control it.
  •  It’s about instilling a can-do fire that will enable you to live the life you want.
  •  You must defeat whatever holds you back from the life you’re capable of having.
  •  My habits of overthinking and worry, I began to relax and enjoy spontaneity that had always eluded me.
  •  You can find everything you need by looking within.
  •  Any goal  (e.g. money, power, status) driven by insecurity is all about control.
  •  You don’t need more control. You need more self-trust.
  •  Children don’t have many resources to use when find unsafe ore insecure. So when threatened, try to find control: try to become so perfect that there won’t be any criticism. Others may become shy, worries, attempt to sniff out danger before it arrives. Whatever works is likely to reduce tension and anxiety and be tried again. These strategies of defense and control laid down in childhood shape as your persona.
  •  In life, it’s not the slope of path or impediments along the way that dictate success. It’s your determination.
  •  Thinking doesn’t allow you to go forward, it only permits you to go round and round, caught up in your attempts to control life.
  •  Your ultimate success depends on what you’ve learned from each and every effort.
  •  Natural strengths and inclinations completely overshadowed by anxiety and depression.
  •  There’s more to life than control thinking.
  •  Maintain control by avoid conflict, avoid failure.
  •  All are control strategies to protect you from life – the life your insecurity has convinced you that you can’t handle.
  •  Distinguish whether you’re responding to fact or fiction.
  •  I’m allowing myself to get all worked up. I’m allowing fiction that I’m not good enough to ruin my date.
  •  When you see yourself whining and sulking, quitting or retreating, you’re being influenced not by here-and-now reality, but by a habit that was rooted buried deep in your childhood.
  •  Insecurity is only a part of you. There’s another part of you, a healthy part.
  •  You always have a choice. Any thought driven by insecurity is an option.
  •  Being with your breath, learning to be still.
  •  Loneliness and lack of intimacy in your life.
  •  Unhappy life results from the constrictive habits trying too hard to control life.
  •  Anxiety is just a habit.
  •  Why am I listening to insecurity? What am I trying to control?
  •  The quest for control is the motor behind unhappiness. 
  • Life simply cannot be controlled. 
  • Trade control for spontaneity. 
  • There can be no real or lasting happiness when the life is driven by control.

Although there are some points in the book which contradict with what I usually believe, for example, to be reactive rather than proactive (which I was trained to be proactive and prepared for the worse), overall, what the book says truly reflect my situation. I always try to be perfect. And I try too hard to control the situation. I rehearsed again and again for job interview but still I was nervous during the interview and did not get the job as a result. Perhaps this is due to my childhood experience, as mentioned by the book. Life simply cannot be controlled!

28 November 2011

Naturopathy and Weight Loss (VI)

Another excellent herb good for health is burdock. Burdock improves digestion, liver and bowel functions as well as fat metabolism. It helps reduce cravings and hunger and thus assist in weight loss.

27 November 2011

Naturopathy and Weight Loss (V)

Another herb which helps weight loss is Ephedra (Ephedra sinica)
Ephedra has a similar effect to the body's own adrenaline.

It contains ephedrine and ephedrine increases the metabolic rate, so the body can burn fats and sugar more efficiently. By mobilizing stored fat and carbohydrate reserves, ephedrine reduces appetite. And so weight loss is effected.

However, ephedra should be consumed only in moderate amount and do not use for long term. Please do not use it during pregnancy and lactation, or if you have glaucoma, heart disease, insomnia, adrenal weakness, diabetes or kidney disease.

20 November 2011

Naturopathy and Weight Loss (IV)

Another herb that has effect on weight loss is Chickweed
Chickweed has ability to break down fat molecules. It is usually recommended in combination with burdock root which helps balance oils and fats in the body. Chickweed breaks down the fat while burdock helps transport it out of the body. As a tea, it is an effective way to curb cravings, assist digestion, and help lose weight.
In addition, it supplies necessary nutrients that the obese person might be lacking’s moistening action relieves sore throats and soothes stomach and duodenal ulcers.
Moreover, as a diuretic, its medicinal properties aid the assimilation of other herbs and help them process and dissolve of fat.

14 November 2011

Naturopathy and Weight Loss (III)

Traditionally, herbs have been used by people for the treatment of diseases. Some herbs are renowned for their unique ability to maintain metabolism and lessen appetite. This can help reduce weight.
For example, Dr. John Raymond Christopher combined chickweed, safflower flowers, burdock root, parsley, Norwegian kelp, licorice root, fennel seed, echinacea, black walnut hulls, papaya leaves and hawthorn berries together to treat overweight and obesity. Let's look at these herbs one by one.

Licorice root

It is used to decrease cravings for treats and sweet foods. This natural remedy also has other benefits for dieters including regulating blood sugar level to a normal healthy state and the ability to make the adrenal glands stronger. It strengthens the digestion and hormonal systems.
As one way to increase weight in women is hormonal changes and licorice root is used for balancing hormones, and so it can help weight loss. It also helps in elimination and elimination is a main factor in weight loss.

10 November 2011

Naturopathy and Weight Loss (II)

Another reason for fats being accumulated in the body is we have too much toxins in our body due to the foods we eat, the poisons in the environment we expose, etc.

If our liver is overloaded with pollutants and toxins and cannot eliminate them, these toxins would be isolated from the systems of the body and locked in the adipose or fat tissue so that our body cannot get harm. The fat issue would then be difficult to get rid off unless the toxins have been cleared out. In this instance, the liver also cannot efficiently burn body fat.

In addition, once a person becomes overweight or obese, it would promote a state of overstimulation of the immune system, which impairs normal immune function. This is because excess body fat triggers the production of pro-inflammatory immune cells, which circulate in the blood and promote inflammation in our bodies and also stimulate white blood cells to produce inflammatory molecules.

Thus the immune system does not function properly for an overweight person. People with a poor immune system are often too sick to work out. As a result, they gain weight from lack of exercise, which only hurts their body even more.

And so if we want to effect weight loss, we should do the following:
  • Reduce appetite
  • Stimulate bowel motor activity
  • Regulate proper functioning of thyroid and adrenal glands
  • Remove toxins from the body
  • Enhance the immune system.

Naturopathy and Weight Loss (I)

Some year ago, after doing the fasting for ten days, I lost nearly 10 pounds. In addition, my health appeared better. And so I began getting interested in naturopathy and trying to find out why naturopathy can help weight loss. It is not simply due to no food having taken during the fasting period.

In general, overweight and obesity is caused by overeating in such amount that caloric intake is more than the needs of the body. This results in fats being accumulated in the body.

In some cases, in addition to the relation between caloric intake and consumed in the body, there are other factors contributing to overweight and obesity and the ability of a person to lose weight in a sustainable and healthy way.

One factor is the metabolic disorders. Glands that affect digestive metabolism, sugar metabolism and fat metabolism determine body weight.
Metabolism affects our energy requirement. And our body metabolism is regulated by hormone which is produced by thyroid gland. And so if the thyroid gland is inactive, i.e. hypothyroidism, then the metabolic rate would decrease. Less energy would be used. More fats would then be accumulated.
Adrenal cortisol also plays an important role in regulating blood sugar and energy production. If adrenal cortex becomes hypoactive, it would affect various steroids that deal with carbohydrate metabolism. In this case, complex sugars and glucose can be easily converted to fat instead of properly metabolized. This leads to weight gain, especially around the abdomen. And it is very difficult to get rid of it.

Hence, if the thyroid and adrenal glands do not function properly, this would affect our body weight. Malnutrition is one factor that affects their functioning. For example, a diet deficient in iodine would affect the functioning of thyroid.

09 November 2011

Obese people lose weight for their looks

I was surprised to find that a quarter of obese people were reluctant to lose weight despite being advised by doctors.

According to the survey conducted by Hong Kong Association for the Study of Obesity in August this year, four in every five grossly overweight people between the ages of 30 and 70 suffer from at least one chronic disease such as high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol or diabetes.

According to WHO. overweight and obesity lead to adverse metabolic effects on blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides and insulin resistance. In addition, risks of coronary heart disease, ischemic stroke, type 2 diabetes mellitus, cancer of the breast, colon, prostate, endometrium, kidney and gall bladder increase steadily with increasing BMI.

Currently, about 44% of diabetes, 23% of ischaemic heart disease and 7 to 41% of certain cancers in the world are attributable to overweight and obesity.

As a result of being overweight or obese, globally, at least 2.8 million people die each year.

Even so, this study found that 24 per cent of participants were reluctant to lose weight despite being advised by doctors. 

Two-thirds of women who worked on losing weight said that they did so because they wanted to improve their appearance. This is no better for men. Only half the men who sought help did so for health reasons.

Not surprisingly, slim houses have become so popular, especially among women, in these days. They use various means to reduce their weight so dramatically to the extent that it becomes detrimental rather than beneficial to their health. This counters the original idea of losing weight.

24 September 2011

Hello !

This is an interactive channel for you to share the various healthy ways of losing weight effectively as well as the latest issues related to natural ways of losing weight. It is like a book with different topics involved such as naturopathy, hypnosis, exercises, yoga,...We hope all these would help you to lose weight healthily.