Another reason for fats being accumulated in the body is we have too much toxins in our body due to the foods we eat, the poisons in the environment we expose, etc.
If our liver is overloaded with pollutants and toxins and cannot eliminate them, these toxins would be isolated from the systems of the body and locked in the adipose or fat tissue so that our body cannot get harm. The fat issue would then be difficult to get rid off unless the toxins have been cleared out. In this instance, the liver also cannot efficiently burn body fat.
In addition, once a person becomes overweight or obese, it would promote a state of overstimulation of the immune system, which impairs normal immune function. This is because excess body fat triggers the production of pro-inflammatory immune cells, which circulate in the blood and promote inflammation in our bodies and also stimulate white blood cells to produce inflammatory molecules.
Thus the immune system does not function properly for an overweight person. People with a poor immune system are often too sick to work out. As a result, they gain weight from lack of exercise, which only hurts their body even more.
And so if we want to effect weight loss, we should do the following:
- Reduce appetite
- Stimulate bowel motor activity
- Regulate proper functioning of thyroid and adrenal glands
- Remove toxins from the body
- Enhance the immune system.
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