14 November 2011

Naturopathy and Weight Loss (III)

Traditionally, herbs have been used by people for the treatment of diseases. Some herbs are renowned for their unique ability to maintain metabolism and lessen appetite. This can help reduce weight.
For example, Dr. John Raymond Christopher combined chickweed, safflower flowers, burdock root, parsley, Norwegian kelp, licorice root, fennel seed, echinacea, black walnut hulls, papaya leaves and hawthorn berries together to treat overweight and obesity. Let's look at these herbs one by one.

Licorice root

It is used to decrease cravings for treats and sweet foods. This natural remedy also has other benefits for dieters including regulating blood sugar level to a normal healthy state and the ability to make the adrenal glands stronger. It strengthens the digestion and hormonal systems.
As one way to increase weight in women is hormonal changes and licorice root is used for balancing hormones, and so it can help weight loss. It also helps in elimination and elimination is a main factor in weight loss.

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