28 March 2019

Have a good sleep!

Sleeping hormone
Melatonin is a hormone our body produces naturally to signal that it is time to sleep. But sometimes our sleep-wake cycle can get thrown off or our body does not make enough natural melatonin. Here, magnesium can help. 

Magnesium is a mineral that our body needs for muscle relaxation and helping quiet the mind—calming effects that are ever-so-important at bedtime. Science says magnesium’s calming effects may be related to its role in regulating sleep hormones, including melatonin, and low magnesium levels have been linked to trouble sleeping.

Besides hormone affects our sleeping condition, our mood also plays a role.  Sometimes all it takes to help you sleep is a calmer mind. Below are some herbs that can help:

Valerian Root
Research shows that improvement in sleep quality after taking between 300-900 mg of valerian root right before bed.

Lemon Balm
This fragrant herb garden staple contains many active compounds, including antioxidant flavonoids and polyphenols that impart wellness benefits. Researchers found that it may help modulate neurotransmitter activity, thus helping with stress, anxiousness and sleep.

Studies show that lemon balm has a mild sedative effect, promotes relaxation to help you fall asleep more easily, enhances sleep quality and supports stress relief and a positive mood.

Chamomile Tea
The chamomile herbal tea can also have relaxing benefits. Science attributes the calming effects of chamomile to apigenin, an antioxidant flavonoid within chamomile that binds to brain receptors related to anxiousness. Studies show chamomile can help you fall asleep more quickly and wake up fewer times during the night.

In addition, l-theanine which is an amino acid found in tea leaves that boasts some cognitive benefits has also relaxing properties that may help with sleep.

Chinese Skullcap
Chinese skullcap is one of the most popular herbs for calming anxiousness. Research shows it can provide a significant lift in mood without reducing energy or cognitive function. Researchers say it works as a GABA modulator, helping minimize stress and worry.

14 March 2019

Foods which are good for Gut Health

Gut health is important when it comes to digestive and immune health. Here are some foods that are good for gut health:

Kombucha — Made from the fermentation of naturally occurring sugar in tea and packed with probiotics.

Yogurt — Yogurt is full of gut-healthy cultures, including S. thermophilus, L. bulgaricus, L. acidophilus, and Bifidobacterium. 

Sauerkraut —It contains Lactobacillus bacteria, which combats bad gut bacteria and helps balance our microbiome.

Kefir — Kefir is like yogurt but in liquid form. Kefir usually contains more active strains of bacteria than yogurt.

Kimchi — It is rich in probiotics and great for digestive health.

Kvass — Kvass is a probiotic-rich beverage, but since it is based on rye bread, it is not good for people with gluten allergies or intolerances.

Miso — Miso is made from soybeans, sea salt and koji, which are typically fermented along with a grain like rice or barely to produce a probiotic-rich, gut-friendly food but is not suitable for people with gluten intolerances.

Prebiotics — It can be found in high fiber foods and other foods, like garlic and can help nourish the healthy bacteria in our gut.

High Fiber Foods — Foods high in fiber are essential to keep everything moving through our digestive tract efficiently. Foods high in fiber include black beans, lima beans, green peas, almonds, apples, raspberries and artichokes.

09 March 2019

Ghost Blood Vessel - an Aging Causer

99% of human blood vessels are said to be capillaries. These blood capillary vessels are stretched throughout our body. They have an important role to maintain good life activities in health and beauty. Through them, oxygen and nutrients go to the whole body. 

But unfortunately healthy capillary vessels begin to decline sharply from the age 40 and in the age 60 they will decrease by 40%.

When the capillary deterioration advances, it will become a “Ghost Blood Vessel” where there is a duct remain but blood does not flow. Thus oxygen and nutrients do not go to the corners of our whole body, Further, accumulated waste products are not collected or taken out of the body, so various bad conditions are brought to the body. It also accelerate aging process that cause wrinkles in the skin and can also cause lifestyle diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, eye disease, heart disease and cancer. Scientists are now finding they are also tied to higher risks from age-related ailments, including osteoporosis and Alzheimer's disease.