29 July 2012

Foods good for diabetes

Foods good for diabetes include the following:

  • Beans (legumes)
    • A boon to diabetes. They cause a gentle rise in blood sugar and so the diabetics require less insulin to control the blood sugar.
  • Gums and pectin
    • Contain soluble fiber which delays the emptying of stomach and slow absorption of glucose in the intestines. And so it improves the control of blood sugar hence reduce the need for insulin.
  • Apples
    • Apples are digested slowly. Once they are broken down in the intestine, they are absorbed into the bloodstream as glucose, causing a gradual rise in blood sugar level. Thus only a small amount of insulin needs to be released to keep blood sugar within the normal range. This helps to improve diabetics' long-term control of blood sugar level.
  • Oatmeal
    • Soluble fiber slows down the digestion of starch. Thus the sharp rises in the blood sugar level that usually occur following a meal can be avoided.
  • Bitter Melon
    • As a Chinese herbal medicine for diabetes mellitus for lowering blood glucose level
Meanwhile, some herbs though not classified as "food" such as Devil's Club, Gymnema and Stevia are antidiabetic and so can be taken for health's sake.

22 July 2012

Foods good for your heart

Below are some of the good foods for heart disease:

  •  Garlic and onions
    • Contain a substance which interferes with formation of blood clots and helps reduce blood cholesterol and heart disease.
  • Oat bran, barley and fruit pectin
    • Contain soluble fiber which helps reduce the LDL(low density lipoprotein) without lowering HDL(high density lipoprotein).
  • Broccoli
    • Not only does it contain antioxidants, but also it is a particularly good source of folate which can reduce the level of homocysteine in the blood. High homocysteine is linked to an increased risk of heart disease.
  • Olive oil
    • Its monounsaturated fat is good for the heart.
  • Salmon (or pilchards, trout, herrings, mackerel and sardines)
    • Contains omega 3 fats that reduce blood clotting (thrombosis) and inflammation.
    • Reduces the risk of having a heart attack.
  • Flax seed, Sunflower seed and Hemp seed
    • Also contain omega 3.
  • Bananas
    • Jam-packed with potassium which helps lower blood pressure.
  • Apples
    • Contain a form of soluble fibre called pectin that can help lower blood cholesterol level.
  • Nuts
    • All nuts are packed full of essential vitamins, minerals and fibre and can help reduce heart disease.
  • Tea (black, green or red)
    • Rich source of catechins which protect the artery walls against the damage that causes heart disease and prevents formation of sticky blood clots.
    • Green tea also contains antioxidants, which protect cells in the body against damage from unstable oxygen molecules known as free radicals that can cause heart disease.
  • Celery
    • High in apigenin, a chemical which expands blood vessels and helps prevent high blood pressure.
  • Cayenne
    • A good food for the heart and it stabilizes the whole blood system.
  • Hawthorn Berry
    • A tonic for all heart related issues. It nourishes the heart, increases oxygen flow to the heart muscle and improves circulation.

18 July 2012

Foods good for cancer

These are some of the good foods:
  • Broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables such as Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, collards, mustard greeps, rutabagas, turnip

    • Contain nitrogen compounds called indoles which appear to be effective in protecting against certain forms of cancer, particularly, cancers of the stomach and large intestine.

    • Also contain other anti-cancer compounds and antioxidant nutrients such as carotenoids and vitamin C. These help to sweep up cancer-promoting free radicals.
  • Garlic and onions

    • Reduce the incidence of some tumors and inactivate some cancer-causing chemicals.
  • Berries (Cranberries, raspberries, strawberries and loganberries)

    • Contain ellagic acid which helps prevent certain types of cancer.
  • Wheat bran/Oat

    • Sources of insoluble fiber which has beneficial effect on precancerous polyps of colon. Insoluble fiber reduces bile acids in the intestines and lessens their toxicity as well as reducing bacterial enzymes, both are possible cancer promoters.

    • The phytochemicals in oat may have cancer-fighting properties.
  • Brazil nuts

    • One of the few good sources of selenium that helps protect against cancer. Just two Brazil nuts a day can meet the need.
  • Baked beans

    • The tomato sauce covering baked beans is a good source of lycopene which helps prevent prostate cancer.

    • Also contain insoluble fibre which is not digested but moves into colon, where bacteria act on it and produce short-chain fatty acids to nourish the colon lining and protect it from carcinogenic (cancer-causing) invaders.

    • Insoluble fibre also adds to the physical bulk of the stools, helping them to move along more rapidly and helps prevent the cancer-causing substances from attaching themselves to the colon wall.
  • Flax seed

    • Contains lignan which helps prevent cancer.
  • Graviola

    • Contains natural compounds that have cytotoxic activity to prevent abnormal cellular division. Thus it is used for immune support and cleaning abnormal tissue growth.
  • Bitter Melon

    • Contains insulin, acts as an anti-tumor agent and inhibits HIV-1 infection.
Meanwhile, Madagascar Periwinkle, though not classified as "food", contains vinblastine and vincristine, which are identified as active anti-cancer agents.

Also, do not overeat protein-rich foods, such as nuts and never eat any secondary protein such as those from animal meats as this would increase the burden on the pancreas. Eat nuts such as almonds in the morning and at noon only. Allow time for the pancreas to rest.

09 July 2012

Act like an animal

In the book, Your Erroneous Zones, Dr. Wayne Dyer says not to succeed in a particular endeavor is not to fail as a person. It is simply not being successful with that particular trial at that particular present moment. We should act like an animal. As you know, cats hunt mice. If they aren't successful in one attempt, they simply go after another. You would not see cats being miserable because they could not catch mice. No worry. Be cheerful!