- Be enthusiastic about anything you elect to undertake, you will feel more purposeful in what you are doing, and in your life in general.
- If you do not find vocation meaningful, you have two choices: find a way to make it meaningful or get out of it and into something you know you can make meaningful.
- If your work is meaningless, you don’t have real security and no amount of money is going to compensate you for the emptiness in your life.
- You can earn a living in many different ways, so many other options available to you.
- The ability to love the job you get.
- People who just do their work, enjoy what they are doing and live one day at a time are the most likely to be productive and considered for promotion. The more humanistic you are toward others and yourself, the greater the demand for your leadership services.
- I didn't need a particular job in order to feel good about myself. I saw the experience as valuable. I tested myself in a tense situation. I emerged being grown from the experience.
- Not placing your own personal worth or sense of purpose in the external mold of doing your job. But, instead, operating from a perspective of inner appreciation for yourself. Your ability to attack any problem or task from the perspective of actualizing yourself. Involved in your work rather than simply performing tasks for a salary.
- Pursues work that is meaningful to you, adjusts your life style to live happily on whatever money it happens to bring.
- See how many of your defenses you can identify honestly. When you are really honest with yourself, you are going to feel a lot better about your life.
- The more time you allow yourself for being awake and alive, and the more you conduct the natural affairs of your life according to choice rather than habit or fearful expectations, the more likely you are to have a totally honest assessment of yourself.
- If you do not have the kind of personality you would like to have, you have chosen to be less than totally honest with yourself.
- No one forces you to stay shy, nervous, non-assertive or gullible. You make these life choices, and you can 'unmake' them if you really want to. The totally honest person understand that he is responsible for his own personality and he doesn't blame anyone else for what he is, even if he knows that some of his earlier life experiences contributed to what he chooses to be today.
- If you are deceiving yourself you will lack that sense of purpose and meaning that can literally turn your life into something genuinely worthwhile. A real sense of purpose in life is aligned with being honestly involved in living out your days as you believe they should be lived. Successful according to my own inner feelings of purpose.
- It is not what you choose to do that will bring you total honesty, it is knowing that why you are doing it fits in with your own feelings of worthiness about yourself.
- Being honest with others and true to yourself.
- Self-honesty means ridding yourself of the need to appraise your self-worth in external terms, and instead looking as objectively as possible at yourself. It gives you more internal peace.
- Self-honesty requires you to assess your strengths and weaknesses realistically, to identify those defenses you have erected against your internal signals and work at eliminating them from your daily life.
- Living peacefully with yourself is what self-honesty is all about. Trusting internal signals is essential to the peace of mind and honest dealings with others.
- Makes peace with his conscience above all, approaches others with pure, childlike honesty.
I am a shy, nervous and non-assertive person. But I do not know how to improve myself. Even I try very hard, whenever I face a person who tries to override me, I do not know what to do. I was tongue tied at that moment. This is the reason why people always take advantage of me. At first, I thought this is due to my family background. But after I read Dr. Dyer's remark, I think I should take full responsibility for my personality.
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