31 March 2012

Hypnosis and Weight Loss (III)

Here is a case that shows weight loss hypnosis does work!

Last year, in U.K., a woman named Sam Alderwish lost 35 kg after having been hypnotised into believing she had had a gastric band fitted in the body.

Sam said: 'After having the procedure, I immediately felt like my stomach was tighter.'

At first, she looked into weight loss surgery. But the cost was too high, and so she turned to other way and as a result, she tried having a 'virtual gastric band' fitted inside the body through hypnotherapy.

Sam had three sessions of hypnotherapy to address her eating habits before undergoing this 45-minute
hypnosis during which her subconscious was tricked into believing she was having gastric band surgery when the sounds and the smells of a hospital were being brought into the hypnotherapy room. 

Sam said that within hours of having the hypnotic gastric band, her stomach felt tighter. And she felt full after just a few mouthfuls of her dinner.

'When you consider the risks and price of having gastric surgery, hypnosis is a very safe way to get the same benefits, if you really want to lose weight,' her therapist said.

At her heaviest, Sam's weight was 101.6 kg. '
The weight just fell off, and I had gone from a size 101.6 to 50.8 in three months - even quicker than if I had had the surgery for real.'

Now, Sam does an exercise bike daily. And it has also changed the way she eats. She drinks a lot of water and lots of fruit, which she never did before.

This shows the wonder of using hypnosis for weight loss.

13 March 2012

It's the Sky the Limit (V)

Life doesn't have to be a series of win-or-lose propositions. Everyone can win, all the time. All one has to do is to change one's motivation from the external world to the internal world. Traditional notions of winning and success specify that a person has to attain an external goal or defeat someone else in order to be a winner. Dr. Dyer says that winning should be an internal motivational process and that self-worth and accomplishment should be based on an internal scale. Individuals with such motivation are 'no-limit people'. Their success is not based on comparison with others' accomplishments.

Winner and Loser
  • We don't need losers in order to have winners. Winning is an internal process. It is the ability to think of yourself as a winner (because you are operating on inner signals) in virtually all life situations. You do not have to beat someone else in order to be a winner. If you must defeat an opponent to become a winner, you are allowing that opponent to determine how you will view yourself as a human being.
  • No one person is better than everyone else at anything for more than a few minutes in one single day.
  • Your inner attitude is always a matter of your personal choice. The total winning attitude is one which allows you to think of yourself as a winner all the time while still giving yourself room to grow. You never have to engage in self-flagellation simply because you've encountered an opponent who is more skillful than you are on a given day. You do not have to find fault with yourself because you fail to achieve a goal.
  • Everything you do in life affords you an opportunity to think of yourself as a winner. You can learn from every single experience. When you use your life experience to provide yourself with motivation for growth rather than as evidence of your deficiencies, you will be on the side of being a one-hundred-percent winner.
  • Winning is really an attitude. Learning how to have a winning attitude about everything you undertake in life, rather than an evaluating yourself in any external performance manner.
  • You learn from everything you do in life. Sometimes others will evaluate you in critical ways, and sometimes you won't be at the top. But if you are satisfied that you received something valuable from the experience, you are a winner.
  • Never thinking of yourself as a loser. If we use any single standard of comparison on performance, then every person on this planet is a loser almost all the time. You are unique in all the world.
  • When you go after a goal that you set for yourself and fail to achieve, you are not a failure as a person simply because you failed to achieve a goal. You just have to learn from the experience and move on to other goals for yourself. You cannot learn without some failure.
  • Learning how to think differently, to think in winning ways and to work at eradicating any loser images you may be carrying over from an earlier period of your life.
  • The entire process of labeling yourself as a loser keeps you from growing.
  • Operating from a position of being able to grow is what life is all about.
  • Everything you elect to do can be approached from a position of having a winning attitude. Being internal and consulting yourself from a position of self-esteem is what really distinguishes winners from those who think of themselves as losers.
  • The 100% winner is so excited about doing, and being able to enjoy a present moment, that he just doesn't have the leftover time for the loser mentality.
  • You can in fact change your thinking to that of a total winning philosophy by being the sole determiner of what you elect to think. You can be the manager of your own feelings.
  • Inner pride rather than self-flagellation is the key to inner success as well as outer success.
  • Has no 'performance anxiety' whatever, realizes that as much is learned from 'failure' as from 'success', does not care how others or external standards rate his performance, knows that worrying only inhibits 'performance'
  • Welcome failure as part of learning process, willing to try almost anything that interests him, no compulsion to 'succeed' in everything he tries. 'Success' comes naturally in fulfillment of life projects and practice at things he deeply cares about.
  • We fear failure by comparison with those whom external others.
  • Go after whatever you want with a total anticipation of meeting some failure head on. Learn to accept some failure and to quit evaluating yourself as a failure simply because you didn't succeed at some activity.
  • You can fail at anything in life without being a failure as a person. Your worth as a person comes from within.
  • Experiencing failure does not make a person a failure. By the same token, losing at something does not make someone a loser. Internal motivational goals such as hope, pride, contentment and confidence are what will allow a person to make growth choices.
  • Fear of failure becomes fear of success for those who never try anything new.
  • How you think, what you do with the loss and how you decide to place it in a sensible context in your life are all choices for you to make. You grow just as much from defeats as from victories and that nothing in life is worth making yourself miserable over.
  • The more unnatural you are - the more you start thinking of yourself in self-forfeiting ways and the more you are inclined to evaluate yourself at the time of the activity - the more likely you'll be to choose negative emotions that will get in your way and keep you from being effective. Moreover, if you then grade yourself on how well you did, rather than focusing on how well you've done and what you can learn from it, you will get right back into thinking of yourself as a loser and then feeling like a loser as well.
  • When you start becoming an appreciator of life, you become someone who understands that you can grow from adversity. Your ability to appreciate each moment and to live it fully allows you to transcend the losing attitude which previously caused you to become immobilized and upset for long periods. You begin to look for something beneficial in tight situations rather than let the circumstances defeat you.
  • What you choose to label yourself is entirely up to you. Learning to ignore the opinions and criticisms of others, and to consult one's inner signals, is at the core of being a 100% winner.
  • Every mistake he makes is simply another tool to help him carve out an even more effective life for himself. With this kind of attitude he can never be a loser to himself.
  • If you go into the encounter with a kind of self-knowledge and inner confidence, you can't emerge as a loser.
No-limit person
  • No-limit people are those who understand that there are always going to be people who are better than they are at something and who know that if they use the external idea of winning (defeating someone else), they will always be losers. No-limit people merely acknowledge that they will encounter people who are better at particular things than they are, on particular days. Externally, the 'loser' still has the same needs, drives and goals and has not really lost anything at all. When people do not reach a goal they have set for themselves, they just need to learn from this and move on to other goals.
  • They don't judge people by surface qualities. They express their opinions on any subject according to what they feel, not what they are expected to feel.
  • The childlike quality of being open to different viewpoints, being tolerant of differences of others, refusing to lump people into categories.
  • No-limit person see everything in the world as an opportunity rather than as something to be feared or avoided. They look at any experience as a potential for excitement and growth. They find it easy to accept others as being different. They have learned to accept themselves as whole and complete. He has chosen to think in self-respecting ways, and no one else can ever convince him that he is less than worthy.
  • The sense of self-confidence permits them to operate quite independently of the opinions of other people. They feel they are determiners of their own fate.
  • The past is over and that the future is promised to no one, so they work at living in the present and being grateful for what they have. They are vitally involved in projects.
  • Totally involved in the present moments.
  • Take things as they come and deal with them according to what seems to make the most sense at the time.
  • The only solution is to admit that we are always complete, always to think of ourselves as having arrived, and of our present moments as time to be lived and enjoyed to the fullest.
  • The ability to trust yourself and to trust others.
  • The No-limit person does not blame the world for having injustice in it and will not accept that the world ‘naturally’ has injustice.
  • It is the principle, not the money that they live by.
  • Involved heavily in tasks that serve to make the world a better, more beautiful place for others to be.
  • The search for truth, justice for everyone. Beauty, perfection and goodness is suppermost in their lives.
  • Constantly seeking new challenges. They are willing to change jobs without being internally afraid that things just won't work out. The No-limit person somehow seems to have an attitude of internal confidence that he can handle anything that comes along, and that there is no special virtue in keeping things as they are. Not only in welcoming new and different environments but in allowing himself to adapt to them as well. Does not hang on to old beliefs when they are no longer applicable or useful. Take the risks that go with change.
  • Receive the inner feelings of satisfaction from doing something for others.
  • It is all right sometimes not to have any goals at all, that sometimes just doing something for the real enjoyment of it is healthier than planning.
  • Accept whatever cannot be changed.
  • Developing a sense of meaning and purpose results from a general attitude that is itself the resultenthusiastic about your work and behaving in the No-limit ways.
Be a no limit winner and prove that the sky's the limit'.

06 March 2012

It's the Sky the Limit (IV)

  • Be enthusiastic about anything you elect to undertake, you will feel more purposeful in what you are doing, and in your life in general.
  • If you do not find vocation meaningful, you have two choices: find a way to make it meaningful or get out of it and into something you know you can make meaningful.
  • If your work is meaningless, you don’t have real security and no amount of money is going to compensate you for the emptiness in your life.
  • You can earn a living in many different ways, so many other options available to you.
  • The ability to love the job you get.
  • People who just do their work, enjoy what they are doing and live one day at a time are the most likely to be productive and considered for promotion. The more humanistic you are toward others and yourself, the greater the demand for your leadership services.
  • I didn't need a particular job in order to feel good about myself. I saw the experience as valuable. I tested myself in a tense situation. I emerged being grown from the experience.
  • Not placing your own personal worth or sense of purpose in the external mold of doing your job. But, instead, operating from a perspective of inner appreciation for yourself. Your ability to attack any problem or task from the perspective of actualizing yourself. Involved in your work rather than simply performing tasks for a salary.
  • Pursues work that is meaningful to you, adjusts your life style to live happily on whatever money it happens to bring.
Self honesty
  • See how many of your defenses you can identify honestly. When you are really honest with yourself, you are going to feel a lot better about your life.
  • The more time you allow yourself for being awake and alive, and the more you conduct the natural affairs of your life according to choice rather than habit or fearful expectations, the more likely you are to have a totally honest assessment of yourself.
  • If you do not have the kind of personality you would like to have, you have chosen to be less than totally honest with yourself.
  • No one forces you to stay shy, nervous, non-assertive or gullible. You make these life choices, and you can 'unmake' them if you really want to. The totally honest person understand that he is responsible for his own personality and he doesn't blame anyone else for what he is, even if he knows that some of his earlier life experiences contributed to what he chooses to be today.
  • If you are deceiving yourself you will lack that sense of purpose and meaning that can literally turn your life into something genuinely worthwhile. A real sense of purpose in life is aligned with being honestly involved in living out your days as you believe they should be lived. Successful according to my own inner feelings of purpose.
  • It is not what you choose to do that will bring you total honesty, it is knowing that why you are doing it fits in with your own feelings of worthiness about yourself.
  • Being honest with others and true to yourself.
  • Self-honesty means ridding yourself of the need to appraise your self-worth in external terms, and instead looking as objectively as possible at yourself. It gives you more internal peace.
  • Self-honesty requires you to assess your strengths and weaknesses realistically, to identify those defenses you have erected against your internal signals and work at eliminating them from your daily life.
  • Living peacefully with yourself is what self-honesty is all about. Trusting internal signals is essential to the peace of mind and honest dealings with others.
  • Makes peace with his conscience above all, approaches others with pure, childlike honesty.
I am a shy,  nervous and non-assertive person. But I do not know how to improve myself.  Even I try very hard, whenever I face a person who tries to override me, I do not know what to do. I was tongue tied at that moment. This is the reason why people always take advantage of me. At first, I thought this is due to my family background. But after I read Dr. Dyer's remark, I think I should take full responsibility for my personality. 

03 March 2012

It's the Sky the Limit (III)

From time to time,  I ask about the meaning of life and why I am always so unlucky compared with others. But I could not find the answer. This is how the book says:

Life and its meaning 
  • Your emotional stability, your feelings of worthiness and happiness, along with your sense of contentment are definitely linked to your having a feeling of value, meaning and purpose in your own life.
  • The feelings that you get from being kind to another person, from making a difference in the world, from improving the quality of all life – these are most often the sources of a sense of purpose.
  • You are not going to be beaten down by anything external to yourself. You are going to take responsibility for changing your life if it is unsatisfactory, and that you are going to do it regardless of the risks involved.
  • The attitude of fearing your own success is one of the biggest obstacles to having a sense of life mission and purpose.
  • If you are only making a living at what you do, going in to work because it is a job, it won’t take very long before you’ll feel empty inside and lack purpose in your life.
  • What you need to do in order to feel secure is to rely on yourself and to elicit meaning from a variety of activities. It is futile to attempt to gain all of your sense of meaning from any one single person or activity.
  • You can have a healthy dose of some predictability and stability with a built-in capacity for newness and change. Giving yourself the permission to try out new experiences, to take risks and, most importantly, to do the things which you feel are significant, regardless of how others view them, will give you more and more meaning in your everyday life.
  • ‘Real life’ – the ability to grow through constantly combining growth with play as much as possible.
  • Limitless possibilities of life.
  • Adopt a more enjoyable approach toward your purpose in being here.
  • Love yourself and all other people as much as you can unconditionally by refusing to be upset or immobilized by hatred of them or their actions.
  • Challenges are the stuff of life.
  • The real purpose of being here is to journey through life with a maximum of enjoyment, victimizing no one and undertaking tasks that will make this planet a better place to be on for everyone now living here and those who will live here.
  • It starts with your taking joy in your own life.
  • Living your life fully today. Giving up the past and the future in favor of the now, for as many of your life experiences as you personally can.
  • The most important ingredient in the feeling of having personal meaning is the attitude that you bring to anything that you select to do.
  • Life is just plain too short for me to be going through someone else’s motions. I am going to be the captain of my life, and if I make mistakes, or suffer hardships, I am willing to pay the price, but at least I will have a feeling of self-satisfaction, that I am making the choices about how my life is going to be run.
  • When you stop the searching and the inclination to place with meaning for your life in people or events outside yourself, and instead allow you to have purpose in all of your activities.
  • A sense of purpose and mission stems from the new and different and acceptance of change.
  • The mission in life is achieved when I know that I have made a difference in the life of another human being.
  • Those who are dedicated to making a difference, to making their own lives as well as those around them work at their highest levels, will be the doers with a sense of meaning in their lives.
  • Sense of fulfillment in making this world a better place for at least one other if not large numbers of others as well.
  • The solution to your own lack of purpose is to allow yourself to feel and think in terms of your own personal greatness.
  • Any feelings of personal inadequacy which keep you immobilized are the ingredients which also keep you from feeling a sense of purpose in your own life. Think Big.
  • Strong belief that people have dignity, are deserving of respect. Accordingly he expects others to treat him as dignified and important because that is how he views himself and achieves his own sense of purpose.
  • When we help one another to become more independent and to stay more healthily alive, we are fulfilling one of the major purpose for our being here - our mission in life.
  • Being able to get excited about what you are doing, to feel vitally involved in your purpose here and to feel within yourself that you are really making a difference.
  • When you behave in a way that is going to help improve the quality of life for someone else, on any level, you will find your greatest source of fulfillment when you devote yourself to tasks, ideas and specific behavior that are of some service to others.
  • Being able to just do what you do, and to do it well, without judging yourself, you function at your very highest level.
  • The capacity for seeing your work or behavior as something that is outside yourself and that you are the instrument of delivering to the world, you will see your work as being inextricably tied up with higher and higher values.
  • A kind of excitement in going after the truth inside you and sharing it with others.
  • Devote your life to improving the lives of everyone and ending injustice.
  • If you are spending your life struggling at something that has no meaning for you, you are opting for some personal dishonesty with yourself. You have made the money more important than your own sense of purpose. You can be fulfilled in your life, doing the things that bring you pleasure and a sense of purpose, and money will chase after you in amounts large enough to keep you responsible.
  • You can be honest enough with yourself to take the risks to do the things that bring you a sense of purpose, rather than chase the money which will guarantee you a sense of external security.
  • I choose to be genuinely enthusiastic about my life. And my time is the precious currency of my life.
  • Be natural and trusting - forget about being a person who has to impress anyone else. The more you work at just being yourself, the more likely you'll feel purposeful and significant in your life.
  • When you dislike yourself you never feel a sense of genuine purpose in your life.
  • The more you operate from within, upon those values which transcend all others, the more meaningful your life.
  • Decide for yourself what you really love in your life, then actively pursue that love.
  • Become a doer in your life and stifle your inclination to be a critic of other doers.
  • Give yourself permission to have some sacredness in your life. By holding people and certain things as precious, you inadvertently allow yourself to function at a higher level. The higher the level on which you act out your life, the more purposeful and important your life will be.
  • Ask for the information you want to have about yourself. The more self-awareness you have, the more you will feel a sense of purpose about your life.
  • You cannot have a sense of purpose and meaning in your life if you are merely going through the motions of your life rather than living as you would really like to.
  • Be more growth-oriented in your life - Try to ignore the deficiencies in your life. You can accept yourself where you are, but work regularly at growing each and every day. The more growth choices you make, the more you'll feel a real sense of purpose.
  • Come to grips with the real issues of life. See yourself as someone who can change the world, who is informed and who really counts, and you'll also develop a sense of inner purpose.
  • Try to transcend the localism in your life.
  • Feels every moment of life as one of free personal choice, rejects externals as limiting what he can become.
  • Approaches everything in life from a creative point of view.
  • Any time you feel that external rewards or signals are controlling you and slashing painfully with your internal signals. It is happening only because you have permitted it to happen. No one can make a fool of you without your consent. You should never be a responder to your environment when you can be a initiator. You don’t have to take what ‘life’ hands you if you are interested in something else.
  • All of your life that matters is what is under your control. Works to eliminate the faults.
  • A sense of humor is vital to all aspects of life.
  • Nothing in life is ever all one thing or the other.
  • Take responsibility for all that is happening to you, and to take control over your own life.
  • Two key controls you must give up are postponing your gratification and the destructive influences of your formal education.
  • When the child becomes an adult in age and finds he does not feel any more complete than he ever did, he looks further into his life, toward his thirties, as the time when he can finally enjoy life. When the thirties arrives, the age of completeness becomes the forties and so on.
The last point describes exactly my situation in the past. When I graduated and entered into business world, I thought that I should concentrate on working, climbing to the higher and higher position before I got married. When I was in thirties, this target had not been achieved and so I look further towards my forties. And now I am in fifties, but this target is still not yet achieved...