08 October 2023

Why we cannot burn our belly fat easily ?


Nowadays, experts believe that one of the underlying reasons for fats being accumulated in the body is we having too much toxins (pesticides, preservatives, MSG (Monosodium Glutamate), artificial colors, flavorings and sweeteners) in our body due to the foods we eat and the poisons in the environment we expose.

When chemicals exist in our foods or environment, xenoestrogens (which are endocrine disruptors that alter the normal function of hormones) can enter into our body. Our body needs to store these dangerous substances which end up being stored in our fat cells so that our body cannot get harm. Thus this fat tissue would be difficult to get rid off.  No matter how much exercise we do, or however much we cut down on what we eat, there is always that extra layer of fat we can never shift. We cannot burn our belly fat easily unless the toxins have been cleared out.

Fortunately, as cruciferous vegetables contain phytonutrients that can help to combat the effects of xenoestrogens in our body, if we intake more of these vegetables, our body need not store extra layer of fat, hence achieving weight loss. Cruciferous vegetables include broccoli, kale, brussels sprouts, cauliflower and cabbage.

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