01 December 2016

Benefits of Psyllium Husk Fiber

Psyllium husk fiber comes from the seed of the Plantago ovata plant. Psyllium husk fiber is becoming increasingly popular as it can boost fiber intake so as to help maintain healthy digestion, healthy weight and a healthy heart.

Weight Loss

When combined with water, its spongy fibers form a kind of gel. In our stomach, this helps curb appetite by making us feel full.

For those weight naturally big appetites, psyllium, when taken about 30 minutes before meals with a full glass of water, can help feel fuller, faster, resulting in more normalized portions and a pattern that hopefully leads to a long-term healthy relationship with food.

This “gel” is also responsible for its natural digestive and GI benefits as it helps maintain regularity.

And it is also for anyone who does not get enough fiber from their daily diet,

Digestion & Regularity

As a bulk-forming fiber supplement, it soaks up water in our gut, which in turn helps maintain regularity and digestive health. Besides, psyllium can help soften stools.

Healthy Blood Sugar Maintenance

For those on low-carb or high-protein diets that restrict fiber intake (no cereals, grains, etc.), psyllium husk is the perfect fiber supplement or fiber replacement option. 

However,  psyllium husk does not get broken down into sugar. It only passes through our system, all the while helping maintain those healthy blood sugar levels and curbing our appetite.  That regularity, in turn, helps maintain healthy blood sugar and also ties into maintaining healthy cholesterol levels (those already within the normal range) simply through the action of keeping everything moving through our system. And healthy cholesterol levels, healthy blood sugar levels and a healthy diet all add up to  a healthy heart.

Gluten-Free Baking

Because forming a gel-like substance when combined with water and other liquids, psyllium fiber can transform dry, crumbly GF baked goods into delectably moist breads, buns and cakes.

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