25 November 2016

Know more about Collagen, Gelatin and Collagen hydrolysate

Collagen is the primary protein in our connective tissue, skin and bones. It makes up 25-35% of the whole-body protein content. Lacking collagen can cause a wide range of problems when we age, from wrinkles to decreased joint elasticity.

Collagen is a potent source of amino acids. It provides 18 of the 20 amino acids our body needs to create protein. Collagen has many benefits:
  • Helps maintain skin elasticity and can help prevent skin aging and roughness
  • Promotes bone health
  • Promotes joint health and mobility
  • Supports strong, healthy hair
  • Supports nail growth and strength
  • Shortens exercise recovery
Unfortunately, we typically throw away the parts of food that contain collagen: the skin, tendons, membranes and other connective tissues in meat. So instead, to get collagen, we eat gelatin.
Gelatin is the cooked form of collagen and it is one of the best and most convenient ways to ingest the important amino acids in collagen.
Collagen hydrolysate (sometimes called hydrolyzed collagen) is simply gelatin that has been processed more intensively to break up the proteins into smaller bits. They have the same amino acid profiles and come from the same source, but react differently to liquids. Basically, gelatin only dissolves in hot water and causes liquids to gel while collagen hydrolysate dissolves in both hot and cold water. Because the proteins in collagen hydrolysate are smaller, some people may find it easier to digest.
Both gelatin and collagen hydrolysate provide the same benefits as collagen.

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