03 March 2016

Foods to be avoided to maintain healthy blood pressure

There are many food and drink products that should be avoided in order to maintain healthy blood pressure. Maintaining healthy blood pressure is an essential part of achieving total wellness.

Overall, sodium, sugar and trans fats can cause a spike in blood pressure levels hence damage to your body. 

Red Meat

Not all red meat is bad. Eaten in moderation, some can benefit your muscles, bones and joints. Regardless, fatty red meat should be avoided due to the high content of trans fats, which wreak havoc on the heart and blood vessels. These meats also contain higher amounts of sodium.

Deli Meat

Chicken, turkey, ham and other meats that come from packages are a sodium trap. They are oftentimes seasoned and preserved with salt and result in way too much sodium, not to mention the sodium added when making a sandwich with bread, cheese and condiments.


The main culprit in this dairy product is trans fat. Some margarine products come with 2 or more grams of trans fat per tablespoon.

French Fries

French fries are the most popular side ordered in restaurants. However, restaurants oftentimes cook French fries in cheap, unhealthy oils or fats, and seasoned with salt. Some fries also have a coating of sugar on them.  

Processed Meals

Popping an already prepared meal into the oven or microwave sounds convenient, but it may come at the cost of your health. Whether considered “healthy” recipes or not, these meals are full of sodium and other preservatives. Frozen pizza, for example, can have 1,000 to 2,500 milligrams of sodium per serving.

Pickled Foods

Salt is added in excess to preserve and flavor pickled foods. The longer it sits the more sodium it soaks up. One pickle spear contains up to 300 milligrams of sodium.

Canned/Bottled Tomato Products

Tomatoes are delicious and come with many health benefits, but putting them in a can or bottle automatically puts them on the no-go list. Tomato sauces, pasta sauces and juices all contain high levels of sodium. A serving of these products contains hundreds of milligrams of sodium, not to mention sugar and other preservatives.

Canned Soups

Canned soups also contain high levels of sodium, as well as sugar and other preservatives. Some soups have more than 2,000 milligrams of sodium per can!

Caffeine & Sugary Drinks

While coffee comes with many health benefits, it can cause a temporary rise in blood pressure. Likewise, the caffeine and sugar in soft drinks and other beverages can spike blood pressure levels. This can have a negative impact on people with blood pressure problems.


Some studies suggest that a small amount of alcohol can actually lower blood pressure, but drinking more can cause it to spike. It can also contribute to hypertension and damage to blood vessel walls. Alcohol is generally created by fermenting sugary foods, and we know by now that too much sugar raises blood pressure.

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