08 February 2015

How to trim and tone inner thighs

The muscles in the thigh include the medial fascia (the adductor group) are used to move the leg inward. Because of age, gender, body shape or just plain genetics, the amount of body fat surrounding these muscles can be difficult to control. The following exercises will help trim this specific muscle group:
–Simple Wide Squat
  1. Stand toes pointed slightly outward, and feet a bit wider than shoulder-width.
  2. On a two-count, lower your body by squatting slightly, until your legs are bent approximately 60 degrees; be sure to keep your back straight.
  3. Hold for one count, then return to standing position, again on a two-count.
  4. Repeat 10 times.

–Side Lying Hip Adduction
  1. Lie on your side on a mat or other soft surface, bottom leg straight. Top leg can either rest with foot on floor next to lower leg, or crossed, with foot on floor next to lower knee. Lower arm under head for support, upper arm next to body.
  2. On an exhale, slowly raise bottom leg 6-8 inches off the floor, keeping toes pointed forward. Hold for one count, then inhale and slowly lower leg.
  3. Repeat 15 times, then switch to other side.
–Thigh Press with exercise ball
  1. Lie on your back on a mat or other soft surface. Bend knees so that feet are flat on floor, legs at approximately 90 degrees. Place an exercise ball between knees.
  2. Using thigh muscles, squeeze ball together for 15 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds.
  3. Repeat 8 times.
–Leg Lifts with exercise ball
  1. Lie on your side on a mat or other soft surface, and place exercise ball between your feet (hold near ankles).
  2. Using the muscles of your butt and hips, slowly lift the ball until your bottom foot is 12-15 inches off the floor. Hold for one count, then slowly bring ball back down.
  3. Repeat 12 times, then switch sides.
–Frog Bend
  1. Lie on your back on a mat or other soft surface. Extend your legs straight up, heels together, and toes pointed out.
  2. Using your thigh muscles to control the movement, slowly bend your knees toward your sides. Hold for one count, then slowly straighten legs.
  3. Repeat 12 times.
–Cossack Squat
  1. Stand with arms relaxed by sides, feet spread wide (about twice as wide as shoulder-width).
  2. Squat as far as possible to the left, while flexing right foot and turning right toes up, keeping right leg straight. Lean forward a bit and extend arms straight out from shoulders to maintain balance. Hold for one count, then return to standing position.
  3. Repeat movement to right side and then do the whole process 5 times.



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