25 October 2013

Snacks that you should stay away from

There are many snacks that are virtually toxic to our body and so we should avoid consuming them. Here are some of these:

The first toxic snack is foods that contain processed cheese, whether it is string cheese, cheese spread or some other form of artificial cheese. These are often very high in chemicals and may contain saturated or even trans fats which are bad to our health. In addition, they would not offer the same amount of protein as the real source of organic cheese would. If you want cheese, choose Greek cheese or feta cheese.

Another toxic snack foods are chips and crackers, which typically contain trans fats and they are full of processed carbohydrates, which would send blood glucose levels soaring and then crashing shortly thereafter.
Further, you should also avoid consuming cereal or energy bars. Not only are these very high in sugar (or high-glucose fructose corn syrup as the case may be) and are devoid of protein content, but many also contain artificial food dyes or colorings, which are chemicals that can harm our body.

20 October 2013

How to get motivated?

When you are motivated, you can accomplish amazing things. But when you are not motivated, everything seems difficult. Your attitude determines how well you will succeed when facing with a challenge.
Here are ways to get motivated:
Choose or make up a positive phrase, such as
" I can do it."
" I can overcome any obstacle."
" I am getting closer and closer to my goal of having a trim and fit body."
Repeat the phrase many times every day and say it with emotion, believe it with all your heart.
Another way to get motivated is to make a list of the songs that you feel happy, excited and full of energy. Play these songs at a designated time, such as on your way to or from work, or just when you want to be motivated. As you listen to these songs, your mood will be elevated.

Do this over and over again.
Remember: Attitude is Everything!

12 October 2013

Why red meat is harmful to us?

Research conducted by the Cleveland Clinic on the diets of 2,600 patients with heart disease found that a substance inside red meat called carnitine would be gasified by bacteria in the intestine and then transformed into trimethylamine oxide (TMAO) inside the liver. This substance can enhance “bad” cholesterol level inside the body and cause the accumulation of fats in the blood vessels, leading to cardiac vascular occlusion.

It was found that the number of intestinal bacteria is directly proportional to the amount of red meat intake, i.e. carnitine can promote the development of bacteria.

When researchers compared the level of intestinal bacteria between vegetarians and meat eaters, they found that the level of the former is much lower than that of the latter. Beef, pork and lamb all contain high amount of carnitine. But we do not need it. This substance is not an essential nutrient. Besides red meat, some drinks or processed foods also contain this substance. And so be careful about what you eat and drink.

05 October 2013

Vaccine against cervical cancer, HPV vaccine

The HPV-Gardasil vaccine has been used in the U.S. and around the world for about six years.

However, any medicine can cause a serious problem, such as a severe allergic reaction. The risk of Gardasil vaccine includes the following: shock, seizures, muscle pain, extreme tiredness, facial paralysis, encephalitis, off rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, thrombosis, optic neuritis, multiple sclerosis, Guillain - Barre syndrome GBS, stroke, heart problems, etc.

Up to November 13, 2012, the reaction of Gardasil and Cervarix vaccine have caused a total of 28,137 cases of injury, resulting in at least 126 people died and 917 maimed. The saddest thing is that only about 1-10% of the cases had been reported in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, VAERS.

According to the record of the U.S. National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, up to March 7, 2013, in the United States alone, there are a total of 200 injury or death claims due to HPV vaccine. Amongst these, a total compensation to 49 cases of more than US$5,877,710 had been made. And so you can imagine how harmful the effects caused by the HPV vaccine.