13 February 2013

Self hypnosis

Self hypnosis is a form of hypnosis which is self-induced and normally makes use of self-suggestion  (autosuggestion).
Under this state of mind, one's focus and concentration is heightened. The individual is able to concentrate intensely on a specific thought or memory while blocking out all possible sources of distraction.

For some people, self hypnosis is extremely easy and requires very little effort. Others may need to experiment a bit more to reap the wonderful benefits it can bring.

Self hypnosis can involve a little bit of trial and error at the beginning until you start to identify the conditions that best suit you as an individual. Variables such as the ideal body position or the most opportune time of day are truly yours to determine based on your particular situation, schedule and individuality. Everyone is unique. There are however a few elements which will help increase your degree of success with self hypnosis, regardless of individual needs. A fairly obvious requirement is total relaxation, which usually requires reduced distractions. So it is very important to try and find a quiet place that limits or completely obliterates outside sources and choose a time when you are certain you won’t be interrupted.

Knowing that hypnosis is in fact an altered state on consciousness. Pick a time of day when you are slowing down or starting to feel fatigued.

Using a recording is great for self hypnosis. One key factor in getting the most out of a recorded self hypnosis session is regular listening. Repetition is the key to successful suggestion and the more you subject your mind to the message, the more it will penetrate and impact.

If you go into it with a clear open mind and you are willing to invest the time to find your ideal hypnosis conditions, you can literally reap the benefits of self hypnosis on a fairly regular basis.

There are many benefits to using self hypnosis. It can be used to overcome fears, fight addictions such as smoking, improve confidence, self esteem, sports performance or just about anything you want in life.

Virtually everyone has been programmed from childhood with negatives that make him believe that he can’t do things that he’s innately capable of doing, for example. A lot of these is in fact self-imposed programming.

By using self hypnosis with autosuggestion and positive affirmations,  a negative self-confidence cycle, say, can be completely reversible.

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