25 February 2013


You have been brought here because the Universe understands that you have been quietly calling for answers to the questions all human ask. What is really going on here in this life and what will happen when this life is over? Will we be reunited with loved ones who’ve gone before? Will God be there to greet us? Will it be Judgment Day? Will we be allowed to squeak into heaven? Will we even know what’s going on after we die? Will anything be going on?

Wrapped in the replies to these inquiries are enormous implications for every human being. Would we live our lives any differently if we actually had those answers? I think we would. Would we be less afraid to live as we were always intended to live – fearlessly and love fully – if we were less afraid to die? I believe the answer is yes.

It hurts my heart to know that so many people feel frightened as they approach their time of passing into the next world, to say nothing of when they are in this one. Life was meant to be a constant joy and death is a time of even greater joy, when it would be wonderful if all people could know only peace and happy anticipation...

Mom had an unshakable faith that she was stepping into the arms of God. She knew what life was about and she knew what death was not about. Life was about giving all that you had to all that you loved, without hesitation, without question, without limitation. Death was not about anything closing down, but about everything opening up...

Excerpt from “Home with God: In a Life That Never Ends”
By Neale Donald Walsch

I always ask myself the question: what is the meaning of life? Why my life full of misfortune while others’ path is so straight and full of happiness?

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