27 June 2012

Travelling on the Web

Life should be full of adventure and risk...

20 June 2012

Life Strategies (IV)

McGraw describes the ten "Life Laws" - the rules by which the world plays, such as "You Either Get It, or You Don't", "Life Is Managed; It Is Not Cured", "You Can't Change What You Don't Acknowledge" and "You Have to Name It to Claim It". If you learn and abide by the Life Laws and go on to create a Life Strategy, McGraw claims that you will not only know yourself better and eliminate negative behaviors, you will also know how to reach any goal you set for yourself.

Some people spend their lives reacting to what life hands them. By accepting that you are personally accountable for every element of your life, McGraw says, you can erase the negative "epidemic behaviors" in your life and reach your goals. 
  •  Are you frustrated that you are not making more money in your job? And you are capable of more than you are accomplishing but now you are living a lonely existence with little hope for change.
  • Did I fail to be clear about what I wanted?
  • Did I fail to stand up for myself and claim my rights?
     If so, you need to
  • Design in life strategy that requires you to persuade someone to see things your way in order for you to succeed.
  • Acknowledge and label whatever personal characteristics are keeping you from success.
  • Seize opportunities when they present themselves and create them when they do not. 
If you don’t step up and fight for you, no one else will.  If events in your life begin to flow differently, it will be because you have changed what you think, feel and do. We teach people how to treat us.  Fear can imprison us and ruin our life.

You have to name with great precision what you want and to claim it once you have created it. You have to overcome timidity, guilt, feeling of inadequacy and have the willingness and courage to claim what you want.

06 June 2012

Life Strategies (III)

In the book, it was mentioned that suppose we hire a life manager to monitor our life, at the end of our days, we have to appraise the performance of our life manager. We have to ask  
·  Is my life manager putting me in situations where I can utilize all of my skills and abilities?
·  Is my life manager create opportunities for me to get what I really want in the life?
·  Is my life manager selecting and possessing relationships in which I can be healthy and flourish?

And so we have to do something for our life before it is too late.
What is it I truly want in the life?

In addition,
·  You should have a sense of being focused on what you must urgently want in your life.
·  Managing your life with design and commitment.
·  To change your life, you must be different.
·  If the people treat you in an undesirable way, you’re going to figure out what you are doing to reinforce, elicit or allow that treatment.
·  You teach people by passively allow them to persist in that behavior.
·  Acknowledge any problem behavior, figure out why problem behavior happens, make a plan for change. You can’t change what you don’t acknowledge
·  For every thought and every feeling, there is a physiological reaction.
·  You choose how you feel.
·  Do I go into intentions expecting negative outcome?
·  You can’t give away what you do not have.
·  Trust yourself and others with dignity and respect.
·  If you continue to do what you’ve already done, you will continue to have what you’ve always had. If you do it different, you will have different result.
·  You do have to make you the most important person in your life.
·  You shape the behavior of those with whom you interact.
·  How you interpret and react to their behavior determines whether they are likely to repeat it.
·  You create your own experience. You must have the resolve to create what you want and get rid of what you don’t want.
·  Have the willingness and courage to claim what you want.
·  You cannot continue to live with those types of behavior, particularly the rigidity.
·  That’s only a disaster if you don’t work to improve.
·  You have the right to be who you are and how you are, so long as it is not at the expense of other people’s dignity and respect.
·  You cannot let people intimidate you.  You deserve more, you can have more.
·  Anyone can be a star, a champion in their life.

04 June 2012

Life Strategies (II)

The book was written by. More insights from this book:

·  How you present and define yourself to other people, your attitude of approach dictates what you get back.
·  You create the reactions get from the world.  You create your own experience by what you choose and do.
·  Consciously, purposefully did activity create experiences you do want instead of suffering through experiences that don’t want?
·  Conscious awareness of the influence that your thoughts and behavior have on your experience, both internally and externally. You are accountable for the life you have, and how you feel and react to it.
·  Break out of your habitual doldrums.
·  Reclaim the right to live with dignity and respect.
·  The behavior you choose creates the results you get.
·  You give in to the demand of others.
·  Insecure person measures self-worth as a function of the approval of others.
·  Fear of rejection can be so powerful that payoff of escaping anxiety may override your desire to reach out.
·  The payoff was safety and escape from hurt, fear and anxiety.
·  You are shaping your own behavior by the payoffs you are getting. Find and control the payoffs and control the behavior.
·  Only if you acknowledge the presence of a condition can you make a conscious effort to offset or control that condition.
·  Acknowledge whatever is not working in your life. If it is not working, then change it.
·  Is my life a dead-end journey, heading nowhere? Am I scared?