28 August 2024

The Health Benefits of Swimming

Swimming offers a number of health benefits. In fact, people who swim have about half the risk of death compared with people who are inactive. Plus, it is a lifesaving skill that everyone should have regardless of their age.

Swimming is a full body workout that is accessible to people of all ages and fitness levels. Not only do you use your entire body to propel you through the water, working your heart, muscles and lungs, but also the buoyancy of the water allows you to move without putting as much stress on your joints as you would with higher-impact activities like walking or running.

Here are the health benefits of swimming:

Helps Manage Arthritis

Swimming can reduce your joint pain and stiffness as well as improve your muscle strength and functional capacity. Additionally, it can be just as effective as cycling—which is often prescribed for people with arthritis.

Some studies even show that swimming may be more beneficial than land-based activities for improving joint function, reducing pain and enhancing quality of life in those with osteoarthritis.

Improves Mental Health

More specifically, swimming can not only boost your mood, but also may be useful in combating anxiety.

In fact, the sensation of the water gliding over the skin can be relaxing. Swimming on a consistent basis can help you manage your response to stress. The release of feel-good chemicals in the brain like endorphins, serotonin and dopamine help you feel more at ease.

A study involving a 10-week swim program found that participants experienced reduced fatigue, anger and depression symptoms. They also reported an improved mood and a heightened sense of well-being. And, a few case studies suggest that swimming consistently may reduce the need for antidepressants.

Improves Heart Health

Just like other forms of cardiovascular exercise, swimming supports the heart health. For instance, a study of 43 people with prehypertension or stage one hypertension showed that after 12 weeks of swimming, the participants had considerably lower blood pressure. They also showed signs of improved cardiovascular health.

Similarly, another study on moderate-intensity swimming for eight weeks demonstrated that swimming improves both heart health and brain health. The researchers noted that swimming lowered blood pressure, improved vascular stiffness and increased blood flow to the brain.

Provides Benefits for Older Adults

Swimming also is an ideal form of exercise for older adults, especially because it is a full body workout that has a low risk of injury. Not only are you working your heart and lungs with every movement, but you are not taxing your ligaments and joints in the process.

It also reduces the risk of heart disease, dementia, depression and anxiety. Even the risk of sarcopenia, an age-related decline in muscle mass, is reduced because swimming creates the resistance you need to strengthen muscles.

Plus, there is some evidence that swimming and other water-based activities may improve your quality of life and decrease your risk of disability. Swimming also can have a positive impact on bone health—particularly for post-menopausal people.

There is even some evidence that using aquatic exercise as an intervention may reduce the behavioral and psychological symptoms in people with dementia as well as improve their psychological well-being.

Improves Sleep

One study of 30 adults with chronic musculoskeletal pain found that six weeks of moderate-intensity aquatic exercise improved their sleep and reduced pain. 

Meanwhile, a study on older adults with insomnia found that the participants experienced improved sleep quality and overall life satisfaction after participating in consistent aerobic exercise like swimming.

Burns Calories

Not only will you burn a significant number of calories, but you will be working out your entire body. Plus, most people can achieve a calorie deficit when swimming.

For instance, a 185-pound person swimming laps at a vigorous pace for 30 minutes could potentially burn 420 calories. A person of the same weight participating in aquatic exercise or swimming at a more general pace for 30 minutes could potentially burn between 168 calories and 252 calories. As a comparison, the same 185-pound person would burn roughly 159 calories while walking 30 minutes at a moderate pace or 126 calories while weightlifting.

Strengthens Muscles

Swimming is a type of resistance training where the water provides the resistance as you move the body through it. In fact, the resistance you get from water is 10 times what you would experience on land.

As you swim, you also are working almost every muscle in your body, so you can expect to build strength in your upper body, lower body and the core if you swim consistently. In fact, the strokes you use to swim target your body's main muscle groups. From your abs, back, forearms and shoulders to your hamstrings and glutes, you can expect to use almost every muscle in your body.

Decreases Metabolic Syndrome Risk Factors

Researchers in a small study of 40 people found that 16 weeks of regular swimming sessions helped to reduce metabolic syndrome risk factors like cholesterol, blood glucose and blood pressure.

Consequently, swimming could be considered a non-pharmacological approach to managing type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. 

Regular swimming also improved metabolism rates, boosted mood and increased the number of calories burned.

Although swimming is generally a safe activity for people of all ages and fitness levels, it is still important to talk to a healthcare provider before starting a swimming routine. 

As a general rule, you should avoid swimming if you have recently had surgery, have open wounds, are sick or have diarrhea. And it is important to do so safely. Only swim in designated areas where lifeguards are present and never swim alone.

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