02 January 2024

What Is Konjac?


Konjac is a plant that has been used for centuries in Asia as food. It is known for its starchy corm, a tuber-like part of the stem that grows underground. The corm is used to make a rich source of soluble dietary fiber known as glucomannan.

The high fiber content of konjac has many health benefits:

Its soluble fiber helps lower cholesterol and blood glucose levels. A 2008 systematic review found that konjac may help lower total cholesterol, LDL (or “bad”) cholesterol and triglycerides.

Konjac has been shown to lower blood sugar levels. It may slow the absorption of sugar, so people with diabetes can monitor their blood sugar.

Researchers thus concluded that glucomannan could be an adjuvant (additional) therapy for people with diabetes and high cholesterol.

As konjac lowered LDL cholesterol and so it was recommended to use to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

A 2008 study also found that glucomannan may help prevent constipation.  Moreover, as fiber is filling. Eating it regularly helps keep you fuller longer, so you are less likely to overeat or snack between meals. Konjac also expands in the stomach to help keep you full, hence it can be used to reduce body weight.

However, as with any high fiber product, it may cause digestive problems such as bloating. Consult a qualified natural health practitioner or your doctor for advice especially if you take glucomannan fiber as a food supplement.

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