24 June 2020

Half a tablespoon of Olive Oil a day can improve Heart Health

Research shows that adding olive oil to a diet leads to improved cardiovascular outcomes.

The analysis shows that eating more than 1/2 tablespoon of olive oil per day lowers one’s risk of cardiovascular disease by 15 percent and the risk of coronary heart disease by 21 percent.

Olive oil is a simple way to replace unhealthy, saturated and trans-fatty acids of animal fats with a source of omega-3 fatty acids that reduce inflammation and improve cholesterol,

Animal-based fats such as margarine, butter, dairy fat and mayonnaise are less healthy than olive oil when it comes to supporting heart health.

The findings show that olive oil is not the only oil that contains these benefits. There are also positive associations with other plant oils, such as corn or safflower oil, although more research is needed to confirm the effects of plant oils on health outcomes.

While replacing animal fats with olive or vegetable oil is a strong step toward improved cardiovascular health, it is hardly the be-all and end-all. Good heart health also requires physical activity and a balanced diet.

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