Many of the
beneficial properties of cayenne peppers come from the same compound that makes
them hot – a phytochemical known as capsaicin. We feel capsaicin hot because it
tricks heat-sensitive pain receptors in our body into thinking they have been exposed to
something hot.
- Metabolism & Weight Loss –– Cayenne may reduce our appetite and boost our metabolism to help support weight loss. Studies have shown that cayenne pepper increased diet-induced thermogenesis and lipid oxidation when added to food and so it may assist with weight loss.
- Digestive Aid – Cayenne stimulates saliva and digestive enzyme production so our body is primed for healthy digestion, which helps our body absorb more nutrients from the foods we eat.
- Heart & Blood Health – Cayenne helps promote healthy circulation and cardiovascular function.
- Detox Support – Cayenne stimulates circulation and helps the digestive system clear out toxins.
- Muscle and Joint Support – Cayenne is sometimes used topically in ointments to stimulate blood flood to muscles and joints.
- Immune Health Support – Cayenne provides antioxidants and healthy vitamins and minerals that support immune health.
- Great Source of Vitamin A – Cayenne is an excellent source of vitamin A (1 tsp provides 44% of the recommended daily value).
- Skin Health - As cayenne pepper contains antioxidant vitamin C and vitamin A, making it an excellent choice for supporting skin health. Also, when applied topically, cayenne may stimulate blood flow and help get our skin glowing.
- Aches and Itching - Cayenne pepper or capsaicin is sometimes added to topical skin creams and applied to areas that ache or itch. Used in this way, cayenne may provide warming effects and increased blood flow to the areas where applied, plus it might help block some signal transmissions to our brain.