27 January 2018

Ingredients for Brilliant Hair, Skin and Nails

Stay hydrated, get plenty of rest and supplement the diet with vitamins and nutrients are necessary for better hair, skin and nails. Here are some of these vitamins and nutrients:

1.   Flaxseed Oil for Skin
Flaxseed oil supports our body inside and out. It can be massaged into the skin directly or added to the moisturizer to lock in hydration, which helps keep skin firm and looking supple. Flaxseed oil also can help with the appearance of dark spots and puffiness and it is high in omega-3 essential fatty acids, which have a calming effect on certain skin concerns.

2.   Vitamin A for Skin
Besides good for the eyes, vitamin A (also known as retinol) plays a major role in healthy skin cell production. It helps stimulate and support the cells responsible for producing skin tissue and collagen development.

3.   Coffee for Skincare
The antioxidants in coffee help protect our skin from free radicals and provide anti-aging benefits. Since caffeine is a natural constrictor, coffee may also help with the appearance of puffiness and dark eye circles. In addition, caffeine has a mild diuretic effect, which helps eliminate retained fluids, providing another line of defense against puffy skin.

4.   Biotin for Hair, Skin and Nails Support
Biotin, also known as vitamin B-7 or vitamin H, can help our skin cells get the nutrients they need and stimulates hair and nail growth. It is an ingredient in many hair and skin products, but biotin is more effective when taken internally, by eating biotin-rich foods such as animal liver, egg yolk, yeast, nuts and seeds.

5.   Keratin for Strength and Flexibility
Keratin is the primary component that makes up our hair, skin and nails. It is a protein that provides strength and resilience. Keratin supports better moisture retention, skin elasticity and nails that are more resistant to breakage.

The benefits are limited when keratin applied externally. Although our cells produce some keratin naturally, diet and age can contribute to lower keratin levels. Supplementing our diet with keratin may help improve the strength of our hair and the overall quality of the skin. Healthy sources of iron-rich protein can boost the production of keratins in the body. Good options to increase protein levels in our diet include lean meats like veal, chicken, fish or shrimp. Vegetable sources of protein like beans, nuts and whole grains have the same positive effect on keratin levels and offer the added benefit of healthy fiber and abundant vitamins and minerals. 

Besides the above five vitamins and nutrients, apple cider vinegar is also a popular ingredient in hair and skin tonics. Since apple cider vinegar with mother contains live cultures (probiotics), minerals, vitamins and acids, it can help with hair, skin and nail health by providing essential nutrients.

Another important ingredient for hair skin and nail health is MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) which is an organic, biologically active sulfur derived from the earth’s water cycle. While sulfur is present in many whole foods and unprocessed foods, it can be lost in the heating process necessary to cook foods. Sulfur is a necessary component of collagen and keratin for skin and nails. So, the MSM benefits include helping to support strength and flexibility in nails and hair. Plus, for skin health, MSM works in the body to help with collagen formation and works with vitamin C in tissue and skin health. MSM also has detoxifying properties for whole-body health.

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