10 June 2017

3 Superfoods for Weight Loss

Chia seeds are rich in dietary fiber, omega 3, protein, antioxidants, vitamins as well as minerals. For the vegetarians, the intake of them can achieve a balanced diet while for the obese patients, this is a super food for weight loss.

Because of high fiber content and swelling property after absorbing water, chia seeds reduce our desire for eating sweets. As they can increase our satiety thereby reducing the intake of starch and sugar, our calorie intake would be less. This has a significant slimming effect. Besides, they promote intestinal peristalsis and remove toxins from our body. 

Quinoa is rich in carbohydrates, protein and dietary fiber. When we eat the same amount of quinoa as that of rice, we would feel more satiated. Hence, calorie intake is also less. This would help reduce excessive eating or eating snacks after meals.

Quinoa also contains a variety of minerals (such as manganese, magnesium, iron, zinc and calcium) and vitamin B. At the same time, the protein it contains can provide our body’s essential amino acids. In this regard, quinoa not only helps digestion and absorption, but also helps us avoid insufficient nutrients when on diet. It is the best source of plant protein.

Okra is an all-around nutritious vegetable because of its rich in protein, antioxidants, vitamins A, B, C, K, folic acid, as well as minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, manganese and iron. In addition, it is high in fiber. It helps digestion, prolongs our feeling of  satiety. And so it is suitable as a snack food.

Moreover, the mucus content of okra contains a lot of water-soluble fiber and pectin. This not only forms a protective layer in the stomach, but also slows down the absorption of sugar and inhibit the decomposition of sugar enzymes. It helps promote intestinal peristalsis and relieve constipation.

Because it contains potassium, it helps relieve swelling caused by edema (the buildup of fluid outside the circulatory system). This is because being overweight can cause edema.

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