06 March 2017

Krill Oil vs Fish Oil

Omega-3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fatty acids. The three types of omega-3 fatty acids involved in human physiology are ALA (found in plant oils), EPA and DHA (both commonly found in marine oils). EPA and DHA are essential fatty acids that support cardiovascular health, healthy cognitive function and joint health.

Now, more people are turning to krill oil for omega 3 nutrition because of its significant advantages over other fish oils. Krill oil has a few benefits that may make it a superior omega 3 source when compared to traditional fish oil supplements:

Better Absorption
Research shows that krill oil is better absorbed by the body than fish oil. Most omega 3 fatty acids in krill are bound to phospholipids instead of triglycerides, meaning they are released into the bloodstream and then into the cells at a more efficient rate. As a result, you can take less and still enjoy the same heart health benefits of fish oil.

Containing Astaxanthin
Krill oil contains the carotenoid antioxidant astaxanthin. Fish oil does not. Astaxanthin is a high powered antioxidant with a molecular structure that makes it very effective at neutralizing free radicals.

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