07 January 2017

Perfect tea for different types of mood

Below are some of the key benefits to mood and health of drinking tea:

Tea to Wake Up and Energize
Green tea offers 25-35 mg of caffeine to help give a light boost of energy. More specifically, matcha green tea is even more beneficial because it contains L-theanine, which offers natural relaxation so we can feel energized without feeling jittery like drinking with coffee.
Black tea contains 40-60 mg of caffeine, which will give us an even bigger boost in the morning.
Herba mate is another suitable source for waking up due to its high levels of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. The combination of theobromine and caffeine also give the right boost without unwanted jitters. 

Tea to Fall Asleep with Ease
To counter the energy boost early in the day, various teas help with sleep when it is time to sleep.
Chamomile is the most popular tea for helping with sleep. It helps calm our mood and settle our thoughts so we can relax and fall into a blissful sleep. It also has a delicious flavor.
Lavender offers a tranquil scent to offer tranquility for the entire body. Lavender tea gives us a calm and uplifting sense of well-being, which results in feeling relaxed and ready for rest. Valerian tea will also help achieve this state of well-being with a sweet and slightly bitter aroma and flavor. 

Tea to Support Immune Health
Some of the most popular teas for boosting immune health are green, tulsi, echinacea and elderflower. All of these teas deliver an abundance of antioxidants (including polyphenols) that are designed to support several systems in our body, primarily the immune system. A healthy dose of antioxidants from tea will help us maintain health and wellbeing. Try these teas with citrus for an added vitamin C boost. 

Tea to Manage Nerves and Stress
For managing nerves, try valerian, ashwaganda or passionflower tea. Besides for sleep, valerian is also for calming the nerves. The same for ashwaganda tea. This herbal tea can be taken in the morning for a no-nerves-allowed day.
Passionflower helps boost the brain’s level of the neurotransmitter GABA, which causes our brain activity to calm down.
To de-stress, give one of these many beneficial teas a try: lavender, valerian, ashwaganda, passionflower, ginseng, lemon balm or peppermint.
Ginseng tea helps manage exhaustion associated with stress, leaving us feeling peaceful and calm. Lemon balm consists of terpenes that cause a relaxing effect. It is a nice triple effect formula for stress, nerves and sleep. As for peppermint, its menthol makes it beneficial in combating mental stress. 

Tea to Support Cognition & Mental Performance
The two main supporters of brain health are green and black tea.
Green tea is made up polyphenols that help support brain cells to regulate learning and memory. Black tea has L-theanine, which helps increase alpha-brain waves. It also supports attention to help us concentrate better on mental and physical tasks. 

Tea to Enhance Emotional Wellness
Another important area of brain health is emotional wellness. Two herbal tea favorites for emotional wellness are saffron and turmeric.
Saffron influences the neurotransmitter serotonin in the brain, which gives off a good-feeling signal, resulting in a happier state. It has also been shown to be beneficial for mood swings associated with PMS.
Like saffron, turmeric tea also has an influence on serotonin in the brain, but also on dopamine, giving it a double-punch of good feelings.
Along with being good for cognition, green tea also helps with emotional wellness. The polyphenols help release dopamine to give off a feeling of happiness in the brain. 

Tea to Calm Digestive Environment
For maintaining a healthy metabolism, try green or peppermint tea. Green tea contains EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate), which is beneficial in speeding up metabolism and burning additional calories. Peppermint tea helps stimulate bile, which promotes healthy bowel movements and digestion.
For overall stomach comfort, fennel, ginger, rooibos and peppermint are all good options. Fennel consists of volatile oil compounds that help ease mild and occasional nausea, bloating, cramps and flatulence.
Ginger is best known for reducing mild and occasional nausea as well as motion sickness when traveling. Rooibos contains high levels of the flavonoid quercetin that helps with mild and occasional cramps, diarrhea and indigestion.
Peppermint is a carminative, which helps gas move through the body naturally instead of causing minor stomach discomfort, bloating or cramping. 

Tea to Combat Mild and Occasional Constipation
Senna and peppermint teas are two solid options for maintaining a regular bowel movement. 

Tea to Detoxify Naturally
Dandelion has been used in Chinese and Native American remedies as a liver detoxifier. Nettle tea delivers beneficial detox properties to the body to help cleanse the urinary system. 

Tea to Boost Antioxidant Levels
Black, green and oolong teas all come from the plant Camellia sinensis, which are rich in polyphenols, a form of antioxidant. Black and green teas also contain flavonoids, another type of antioxidant. Rooibos and white teas also contain antioxidants.

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