25 November 2016

Know more about Collagen, Gelatin and Collagen hydrolysate

Collagen is the primary protein in our connective tissue, skin and bones. It makes up 25-35% of the whole-body protein content. Lacking collagen can cause a wide range of problems when we age, from wrinkles to decreased joint elasticity.

Collagen is a potent source of amino acids. It provides 18 of the 20 amino acids our body needs to create protein. Collagen has many benefits:
  • Helps maintain skin elasticity and can help prevent skin aging and roughness
  • Promotes bone health
  • Promotes joint health and mobility
  • Supports strong, healthy hair
  • Supports nail growth and strength
  • Shortens exercise recovery
Unfortunately, we typically throw away the parts of food that contain collagen: the skin, tendons, membranes and other connective tissues in meat. So instead, to get collagen, we eat gelatin.
Gelatin is the cooked form of collagen and it is one of the best and most convenient ways to ingest the important amino acids in collagen.
Collagen hydrolysate (sometimes called hydrolyzed collagen) is simply gelatin that has been processed more intensively to break up the proteins into smaller bits. They have the same amino acid profiles and come from the same source, but react differently to liquids. Basically, gelatin only dissolves in hot water and causes liquids to gel while collagen hydrolysate dissolves in both hot and cold water. Because the proteins in collagen hydrolysate are smaller, some people may find it easier to digest.
Both gelatin and collagen hydrolysate provide the same benefits as collagen.

07 November 2016

How to have young and healthy skin?

Our skin changes as we age. It loses firmness, radiance and suppleness. This is because elastin and collagen are the key components to keep skin looking youthful. Unfortunately, both of these components in our skin break down as we grow older and are exposed to the elements. Luckily, there are some foods that can help support production of elastin and collagen.

Red Veggies

Lycopene is crucial for protecting the skin from the damaging elements and supporting natural collagen production. Red vegetables such as peppers, beets and tomatoes have this powerful antioxidant.

Dark Green Leafy Veggies

Vegetables such as broccoli, spinach and kale are known for their skin-supporting properties. These leafy greens contain vitamin C, one of the most important vitamins for our skin. Vitamin C helps to stabilize the enzymes responsible for breaking down collagen while providing antioxidant protection against free radicals that also weaken collagen.


Along with dark leafy greens, citrus fruit can further boost our vitamin C level. This vitamin also supports collagen production by working with lysine and proline (which are important amino acids in collagen) to convert to collagen. The fruit includes limes, lemons and grapefruits.


Carrots and other orange veggies are rich in vitamin A, which can protect and repair collagen. Sweet potatoes are another great option for orange veggies. 

Nuts & Seeds

To help support natural collagen production within our body, we need protein. Egg whites and lean meats are great sources of protein. Nuts also give the body lysine.

Seeds and nuts are also an excellent source of vitamin E, another great antioxidant that will protect against free radicals.


Oysters are one of the best natural sources of zinc. This essential element is known for its ability to help promote clearer, healthier and younger-looking skin. Not only that, but oysters are packed with vitamins and minerals that are great for overall health.


Garlic is known for its wealth of health benefits. It makes a difference in our skin due to its sulfur content. Sulfur plays an important role in collagen production, which promotes healthier, younger-looking skin. Sulfur also helps to promote the production of new skin cells and support the removal of toxins to maintain a youthful glow.


Tea may help promote healthy collagen production. Green, bladderwrack  and pomegranate are all great options for skin-boosting teas, but white tea in particular offers the strongest benefits. White tea delivers superior protection against enzymes that destroy collage and elastin. This protection comes primarily from its phenolic acid content for maintaining healthy tissues. And of course, tea is loaded with antioxidants.


The high omega-3 fatty acid content in fish supports the fatty membranes around skin cells that are responsible for keeping them safe. Omega-3 fatty acids support levels of collagen and elastin as part of stronger skin cells. Tuna and salmon are great sources of this fatty acid.

No Sugar please

Sugar speeds up the aging process when it forms advanced glycation end products (AGEs), a molecule that can break down collagen and elastin.