24 March 2015

Weight loss effect of coconut oil

Anything that reduces our appetite can make us take in fewer calories and hence has weight loss effect. It appears that coconut oil has this effect. This is because coconut oil belongs to a group called medium chain fatty acids.

Many studies on medium chain fatty acids show that, compared to the same amount of calories from other fats consumed, they increase feelings of fullness and lead to an automatic reduction in calorie intake.

This may be related to the way these fats are metabolized. It is well known that ketone bodies (which the liver produces when eaten coconut oil) can have a powerful appetite reducing effect.

There are also other studies showing that medium chain fats lead to weight loss, reduced waist circumference and various improvements in metabolic health.

And so coconut oil can help lose fat, especially the abdominal fat (also called visceral fat or belly fat). This is the fat that tends to lodge around our organs and cause inflammation, diabetes and heart disease.

And so any reduction in abdominal fat is likely to have very positive effects on our metabolic health, longevity and drastically reduce your risk of chronic disease.

But coconut oil is still fat. It can add more weight to our body if consume more. It is only about replacing some of other cooking fats with coconut oil that can help us lose weight.

It is also important not to go overboard and think we need to add tons of coconut oil to our diet to reap the benefits. The studies above used about 30 grams per day, which equals 2 tablespoons…

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