15 January 2015

Aged garlic helps fight against prostate cancer

Two findings for the powerful use of aged garlic:

The first study found that aged garlic dramatically diminishes the growth of prostate cancer cells.

SAMC (stands for S-Allylmercaptocysteine, a water-soluble sulfur compound present in aged garlic extract) derived from aged garlic dramatically diminishes the growth of human prostate cancer cells, according to Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York.

SAMC causes the cancer cells to break down testosterone, the primary male sex hormone, two to four times more quickly than normal and through a route that does not product DHT, notes John T. Pinto, a coauthor of the study. This garlic-derived compound "is doing the same thing that testosterone deprivation would do."

At concentrations that could develop in the blood of people taking commercially marketed aged-garlic pills, SAMC slowed the cancer cells' growth by as much as 70 percent.

In another study, It was found that the administration of SAMC during nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) development in rats protects the liver from chronic injury by reducing apoptosis and enhancing autophagy. And so SAMC ameliorated hepatic injury.

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