Chocolate is a source of nutrients. Both milk and dark chocolate deliver protein, potassium, calcium as well as other goodness:
Milk Chocolate Per 25g
- 1.91 g protein
- 14.85 g carbohydrates
- 0.59 mg iron
- 52 mg phosphorus
- 93 mg potassium
- 47 mg calcium
Milk chocolate also contains 134 calories and 7.42 grams of fat per serving.
Dark Chocolate (70-85% cacao solids) per 25g
- 1.95 g protein
- 11.47 g carbohydrates
- 2.98 mg iron
- 57 mg magnesium
- 77 mg phosphorus
- 179 mg potassium
- 18 mg calcium
Dark chocolate with 70-85% cacao solids also contains 150 calories and 10.66 grams of fat.
According to one study, chocolate contains more antioxidant flavonoids and polyphenols than fruit juice. Polyphenols are particularly good at promoting the neutralization of free radicals within the body, which can lead to damage like oxidization and potential health concerns if left unchecked.
Health benefits of chocolate:
Supports Heart Health
Studies have shown that the antioxidants found within chocolate may help support the protection of the arteries from free radical damage and oxidization. Furthermore, the antioxidant flavonoids within chocolate may support healthy levels of lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation.
Boosts Brain Function
One study found that individuals given high-flavonol cocoa for a period of five days exhibited signs of increased blood flow to the brain. Further studies on the effect of chocolate on the brain showed cognitive-boosting benefits for elderly chocolate consumers. One, in particular, found that chocolate consumption boosted cognitive function in adults from the ages of 70-74.
In addition, as chocolate is filled with energy-enhancing stimulants. These stimulants include caffeine and theobromine, which play a role in promoting improved brain function in the short term, while also boosting a healthy mood.
Promotes Healthy Blood Pressure Already Within the Normal Range
One 8-week study reported that individuals taking high polyphenol dark chocolate showed that it significantly promoted healthy blood pressure levels vs. the same 25 g dose of white chocolate.
Another study took a close look at the polyphenol activity in chocolate and found that it has been shown to have an inhibitory effect on enzymes that can lead to supporting healthy blood pressure.
A third study reported that the flavonoid content may play a role in supporting cellular function within the arteries, leading to support for healthy blood pressure within the normal range.
Promotes Healthy Cholesterol Levels Already within the Normal Range
Some studies have shown that the plant sterols and cocoa flavonoids in dark chocolate were effective in supporting healthy levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.
Beauty-Boosting Benefits of Chocolate
Since health and beauty often go hand-in-hand, thus chocolate may also enhance our appearance:
Offers Antioxidant Protection
Antioxidants help protect against oxidative damage caused by harmful free radicals and environmental factors while helping fight signs of skin aging.
Supports Skin Hydration
Chocolate is a source of vitamins and minerals that impart some skin-boosting benefits and it may also help support skin hydration.
Chocolate supplementation can potentially boost collagen health as well as skin elasticity and hydration.
Offers Stress Relief
The effects of daily stress can impact our appearance and our health in general. Whether it is puffy skin under our eyes, poor digestion or the many other ways stress can affect how we look and feel, chocolate may have a role in helping fight stress. It can help promote a decrease in stress levels by supporting the inhibition of stress hormones. Plus, the magnesium content within chocolate is also helpful since magnesium is a well-known mood booster with stress-fighting benefits of its own.
Promotes Healthy Hair and Scalp
Dark chocolate also supports the health of our hair, making it look shiny and voluminous because there are many minerals within chocolate that are excellent for nourishing hair health, each in their own unique way.
Take, for example, iron, which is vital to promoting oxygen transport to our cells. In some studies, iron deficiency has been linked to hair loss.
Zinc, meanwhile, is essential for supporting tissue growth and repair. Proper zinc intake, according to studies, may boost hair growth and overall health.