18 September 2018

Ashwagandha for Sexual Health and Stress

Adaptogenic herbs are a special category of herbs known to fight the physical and mental effects of stress. One of the most popular adaptogenic herbs, ashwagandha, also conveniently helps with men’s sexual health.
Ashwagandha is an ancient herb used for health and wellness. In fact, it is one of the most important herbs in Ayurveda and it has many, time-tested uses. Research has shown that stressed adults who supplement with ashwagandha can show up to a 30% reduction in cortisol levels. Cortisol is a stress hormone that fuels our body’s fight-or-flight instinct and it plays a role in everything from how our body uses carbs, fats and proteins to our sleep/wake cycles.Too much cortisol as a result of long-term stress can disrupt almost all of our body’s processes.That includes having a negative impact on men’s sexual health and sleeping patterns.

09 September 2018

Why take Calcium and Vitamin D together?

Our body is continuously remodeling the skeletal system through a combination of reabsorbing old bone and creating new. To keep bones strong throughout those changes, we need a steady supply of bone-supporting nutrition, and calcium and vitamin D are at the top of that nutrient list for bone health.
When we consume calcium, it is stored in our bones and teeth and plays a crucial role in building new, strong bones. Calcium is also involved in muscle contraction, nerve signal transmission, hormone release, blood vessel function and more. And so calcium is absolutely essential for keeping our body healthy.
Vitamin D promotes calcium absorption in the gut to help us replenish our levels of this vital mineral needed for new growth and remodeling of bones. Vitamin D also plays a role in immune function, modulation of cellular growth and neuromuscular function. Our body makes some vitamin D after our skin is exposed to the sun’s rays, lack of sun exposure or wearing sunscreen limits our ability to do so.
These two nutrients are more powerful together because without adequate vitamin D levels our bodies will not absorb enough of the calcium we consume. Taking calcium alone just is not enough. Vitamin D also helps us maintain adequate phosphate levels, which is another factor in bone growth and remodeling.