Our body PH level is the acid/alkaline level of our body and it is extremely important.
Our body digests, absorbs, utilizes, reproduces and
eliminates in the presence of fluids. To maintain health and vitality, all of
our body’s fluids should be alkaline, except in the stomach. Our body works best under alkaline condition. Almost all acid problems are caused by an acid/alkaline imbalance in our system.
The accumulation of acids in tissues causes an immune response called inflammation. As acidity is hot, it causes inflammation in
tissues. Inflammation causes cellular weakness and an inability of the cell to
transport nutrients across its membrane wall via cellular respiration,
eventually leading to cellular death. On the other hand, alkalization
is vital to tissue regeneration because it is anti-inflammation. It allows proper
cellular respiration.
Many diseases have their root cause in an acid imbalance, If our body is too
acidic, we may well suffer from constant indigestion, heartburn, fatigue and many other symptoms.
Today, we eat mainly acid-forming foods such as meats, grains and pasteurized dairy products. And so if our body is checked out to be too acidic, try to do the following:
- Add more fruit to our diet such as watermelon, mango, papaya, grapefruit, limes as well as other fruit.
- Add more vegetables such as spinach, broccoli and garlic.
- Squeeze lemon in our drinking water.
In the meantime, we have to stay
away from
these items:
- White flour
- Pork
- Beef
- Shellfish
- Cheese
- Ice cream